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[closed] Test Scripts Expected Results gets deleted when editing in 4.0.1

Leesen Padayachee (9962120) | asked Dec 11 '12, 9:35 a.m.
closed Apr 28 '15, 8:27 p.m. by Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723)
Good Day,

 Please can you assist me with this RQM Test Script error a client is getting after the 4.0.1 upgrade:


When using IE(8 and 9), the client clicked on their expected results( Test Scripts) and it disappeared and showed as deleted in history of the I changed them to Firefox and it solved th

Then in firefox (10.0.11 esr), it stopped disappearing, but once they saved it, logged off and logged back was gone again..and showed as deleted in while playing around abit..I realised that saving and the refreshing after every save solved this..but the issue came back, and now once u enter a few smaple characters in the expected results fields and save and refresh, and then go add another step, the previous steps get deleted and show in history as deleted ( red line through it).

Please can you assist.



The question has been closed for the following reason: "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by rnaranjo Apr 28 '15, 8:27 p.m.

Accepted answer

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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Apr 28 '15, 8:26 p.m.
Rosa Naranjo selected this answer as the correct answer

10 other answers

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Hao Wan (1.5k35) | answered Dec 11 '12, 9:44 a.m.
Hi Leesen,
there's a defect in RQM 4.0.1 for this problem,

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Leesen Padayachee (9962120) | answered Dec 11 '12, 9:59 a.m.
Hi Hao

Thanks for the quick reply, I see that the defect is resolved? So the worlaround is a hot fix? will we able to get this or must we wait for ?

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Dec 11 '12, 10:12 a.m.
As Hao noted, this is a known issue with version 4.0.1
There is a test fix available for version 4.0.1; please open a PMR with the RQM support team and reference the defect ID (76488)
Once open, the support team can direct you to the Test Fix


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Hao Wan (1.5k35) | answered Dec 11 '12, 10:14 a.m.
Hi Leesen,
here is the  work around provided in the workitem

Problem Summary

Editing Test Scripts removes all Expected Results


Editing a manual test script without editing its expected results causes the expected results to be deleted upon saving the manual script.


The recommendation is to contact support to obtain a hotfix for this issue and upgrade to once released to obtain the fix for this issue.

Complete one of the following steps for a workaround:

  1. Edit all Expected Results prior to saving the test script.
  2. Retrieve expected results from the history of the test script and re-enter them if they are already lost.

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Leesen Padayachee (9962120) | answered Dec 11 '12, 10:34 a.m.
edited Dec 11 '12, 10:34 a.m.
thanks guys, I have a logged a PMR and will await a response.

Im just slightly confused with the workaround : " obtain a hotfix for this issue and upgrade to once released to obtain the fix for this issue."

Does this mean even if I do receive the hotfix, will I need to wait for the release of before implementing the fix, or will I be able to implement it now?

Let me know.


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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Dec 11 '12, 10:54 a.m.
The Test fix that is currently available can be applied to version 4.0.1
RQM support will provided the details
Can you please send me the PMR#, I will put a note in it for guidance


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Leesen Padayachee (9962120) | answered Dec 11 '12, 11:01 a.m.

See below:

[PMR 13961 689 864]

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Kegham Anbarjian (231711) | answered Apr 28 '15, 2:14 p.m.
edited Apr 28 '15, 2:18 p.m.
Hello all,

Just following on this thread and see if anyone continues to experience this issue of test scripts disappearing and getting deleted. We are on RQM 4.0.6. Is there a patch fix for RTC 4.0? If yes, can someone point me to the download link? Please see screen shot below on the version information:

RQM Version Info  

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Apr 28 '15, 3:57 p.m.
The defect referenced in this thread 

has been resoled in version 4.0.2; if you are on 4.0.6 then you already have the code changes for this workitem

Are you experiencing a similar issue on your 4.0.6 environment? 

There is a known defect in version 4.0.6 related to editing manual test scripts 

If you believe you are encountering this issue, please open a PMR with the support team, reference this defect and a test fix can be requested

